Excel for .NET
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where RTF text does not process correctly, when an Excel file having RTF texts including line break is loaded.
- Fixed the issue where cell format (such as forecolor, backcolor, horizontal arrangement) changes, when .xlsx file is read and saved as it is.
- Fixed the issue where FitPageAcross and FitPagesDown properties (obtained from the Across/Down value in printer settings) are obtained incorrectly after loading .xlsx file.
FlexChart for WinForms
- Added Series.SymbolRendering/Rendered event.
FlexGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where cell's label text does not display correctly when WordWrap property is set to True, the UseCompatibleTextRendering property is set to True and the check of "indicates the whole" of column style is set to ON.
- Fixed the issue where e.Cancel of ValidateEdit event does not work correctly when text is pasted from clipboard into a cell.
- Fixed the issue where Sort icon gets disappeared on using 'Transpose' method to change FlexGrid's orientation.
- Fixed the issue where filtered data are not shown properly in filter drop down list after using 'Transpose' method.
- Fixed the issue where Custom Editor is removed, when application is closed and opened again after assigning the Custom Editor at design time.
- Fixed the issue where the Font of FlexGrid in non-default style is not resized, even though ResizeFonts property of C1SizerLight is set to 'True'.
- Fixed the issue where ForeColor changes when an owner-drawn grid is saved through SaveExcel method.
FlexReport for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where settings on Layout.Orientation property are ignored on rendering the report.
- Fixed the issue where C1FlexReport.PageSettings property works incorrectly in certain scenarios.
- Fixed the issue where the size of the exported pdf document is larger than the size of an A4 sheet when PaperSize is set to A4.
- [C1FlexViewer] Fixed the issue where FlexViewer could not be localized through Localize window at design time.
- [C1Document] Fixed the issue where page orientation specified in C1FlexReport.Layout.Orientation is ignored when report is printed through C1FlexReport.Print() method.
- Added support for unbound ChartField.
- [FlexReport Designer App] While dropping a parameter from the data tree on the report, the new report field's expression is set to “=<parameter-name>.DisplayText” instead of “=<parameter-name>”.
- [C1FlexViewer] Default images on FlexViewer toolbars have been updated.
Breaking Changes
- [C1FlexViewer] C1FlexViewer and other related classes and enumerations have been moved from C1.Win.FlexReport to C1.Win.FlexViewer namespace.
Other Changes
- [C1Document] Added a new component C1PdfDocumentSource, which allows opening a PDF document. (Beta)
GanttView for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where the Percentage Complete bar line in GanttView Chart behaves improperly, when Duration Unit is set to Week or Month for a task.
- Provided Layout dialog and new properties ShowLinks, BarHeight, and AdaptiveBarHeight to support increasing thickness of the Task bars on GanttView.
Input for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- [C1DateEdit] Fixed the issue where RemoveAnnuallyBoldedDate( ) method does not work properly.
- Fixed the issue where the state of setting of BorderColor is different between design time and run time, when theme is applied to an Input control by C1ThemeController.
- Fixed the issue where the fore color of TextBox and ComboBox was not correct when VisualStyle was set to Office2007Blue.
- Fixed the issue where custom 'C1DateEdit' does not accept inputs '00', '01' and '02' in Hour and Minutes values of hh/mm format, when a custom control (by inheriting C1DateEdit) is created and input is validated in the overridden 'OnValueChanged' method.
- Fixed the issue where exception occurs while inputting a date before "明治1年9月8日(1868/9/8" to the input field, after setting CalendarType of C1DateEdit to "JapaneseCalendar".
- Fixed the issue where the size of the images in the buttons of C1NumericEdit does not change, when the DPI of the screen is changed to 200 and the application containing C1NumericEdit control is executed.
- Fixed the issue where dropdown arrow of c1SplitButton disappears when large dpi is used.
- Fixed the issue where item in the drop down list is not rendered properly when the drop down list is opened using “Alt+Down” and mouse cursor is placed below ComboBox.
- Fixed the issue where highlighted item is changed according to the mouse cursor when the items in the drop down list of C1ComboBox are scrolled using Up and Down arrow keys.
- [C1ComboBox] Improved the performance of ComboBox, when more than 4000 items are added to its drop down.
- [C1ComboBox] Improved the performance of C1ComboBox, by reducing initialization time.
- [C1DateEdit] Improved the performance of DateEdit control by reducing the initialization time.
New Features
- [C1ComboBox] Added UseItemsBindingSource property, which keeps SelectionIndex property synchronized with BindingSource.Position.
- [C1ComboBox] HtmlPattern mode now supports multiple field names, which allows to make multi-column combo boxes.
- [C1RangeSlider] Added SmallChange property to RangeSlider. This property is used to define the small distance moved by thumb, when arrow keyboard key is pressed.
- [C1RangeSlider] Added LargeChange property to RangeSlider. This property is used for define large distance moved by thumb, when mouse click is performed outside the selected area.
- [C1RangeSlider] Added ScrollBehavior property to RangeSlider. This property describes how thumbs will be moved when SmallChange or LastChange action will be performed.
- [C1RangeSlider] Added SelectedAreaColor property to C1RangeSlider.Styles.BarStyle. This property is used for filling area between thumbs with selected color.
- [C1RangeSlider] Added Padding property to C1RangeSlider.Styles.ThumbStyle. This property is used for setup padding of thumbs.
Other Changes
- [C1TextBox] SetCutureInfo method has been renamed to SetCultureInfo method.
InputPanel for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where Right and Center text alignment are interchanged in InputDatePicker and InputComboBox.
Menus and Toolbars for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where ObjectDisposedException occurs when after selecting ComboBox's item on the DockingTabPage of floating state, and the DockingTabPage is returned to docking state, ComboBox's item on the DockingTabPage is selected once again.
- Fixed the issue where TopicBar could not show image on using theme.
New Features
- [C1DockingTab] Provided the event AutoHidingChanging, which fires when the AutoHiding property is about to change. It enables cancelling the change.
- [C1CommandLink] Provided OpenSubmenu() and CloseSubmenu() methods, which open or close a submenu for linked C1CommandMenu.
- [C1DockingTab] Provided TabClick event in C1DockingTab and DockingTabPage.
- [C1CommandDock] Added DockingStyle just as in Visual Studio 2012.
Pdf for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where reports with images exported to PDF/A-2B format were not compliant when verified with veraPDF or other PDF verification tools.
- Fixed the issue where if ImageQuality is set to ImageQualityEnum.Medium and DrawImage is used to draw an image on PDF document, the saved document shows error on being opened through any PDF reader.
- Fixed the issue where PDF created after adding 'EMF image' using DrawImage method does not retain the proper position of EMF image content.
- Fixed the issue where the text of a SuperLabel field containing xml text in a report gets distorted, when report is exported to PDF.
Ribbon for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where images with low resolution (less than 96 DPI) are displayed incorrectly on C1Ribbon.
- Fixed the issue where NullReferenceException is thrown, when SelectedIndex of C1RibbonComboBox is set from the Form.InitializeComponent() method.
- Fixed the issue where large image from the application menu button is shown distorted at the top of the application menu drop-down.
- Provided ThemeImages.LoadCustomImages() method for loading the custom theme bitmaps for the Office2007 visual styles.
- Provided new style settings to set gradient background to TabArea and HeaderArea.
- Provided AllowImageScaling property to RibbonItem to prevent image scaling issues in high-resolution applications.
Reports for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where the text of a SuperLabel field containing xml text in a report gets distorted, when report is exported to PDF.
- Fixed the issue where XamlParseException occurs on loading a report—containing multiple groups having group header—in C1DocumentViewer.
- [C1ReportDesigner App] Fixed the issue where exception occurs, when a drop down of "BarCode" property of barcode field is expanded.
Scheduler for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where appointments do not refresh correctly when ShowWorkTimeOnly property is set to true.
- Fixed the issue where dates are not shown as selected and bolded when SelectedDates and BoldedDates properties of C1Calendar are assigned in code.
- Provided C1Schedule.SelectedIntervalChanged event, which fires when the selection changes from one group to another for the same time interval.
SpellChecker for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where wiggly line appears on the top border of the textBoxBase control when incorrect text is scrolled.
- Fixed the issue where .NET Memory Profiler reports memory fault, while using SpellChecker hooked with WebBrowser.
SuperTooltip for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where System.Exception is thrown by constructor of SuperToolTip control.
- Fixed the issue where dropdown of RightToLeft property contained blank item and RightToLeft layout is not effected for SuperLabel Field and Map Field.
TouchToolkit for WinForms
- Ribbon and StatusBar have been excluded from zooming and are not affected by C1Zoom.
TrueDBGrid for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where application loses focus when first CellTip is displayed.
- Fixed the issue where cell tips are cropped and not fully displayed when mouse is hovered over the cell.
- Fixed the issue where focus does not move to the next cell on pressing the ENTER key after the drop-down item is selected in ComboBox type's cell, when DirectionAfterEnter is set to MoveRight.
- Fixed the issue where upon setting a column's NumberFormat property to "FormatText Event" and applying the column's value filter after applying other column's filter, the columns having the converted text within FormatText event also become hidden.
- Fixed the issue where three different border styles for buttons are displayed when Button property of any column in TrueDbGrid is set to true and application is run using Aero Theme of Windows.
- Fixed the issue where if the cell value is changed and Enter key is pressed after focus has moved to TrueDBGrid from other windows, the focus does not move to the right cell.
Word for WinForms
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the issue where "Your trial period has expired" and exception dialog box are shown while adding C1WordDocument component to the form.
- Fixed the issue where hyperlink is not shown in WordDocument on saving the document with docx format.
- Fixed the issue where "CurrentAlignment" property of WordDocument does not take effect in output docx and rtf files.
- Fixed the issue where ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown, while saving a docx file containing merged table, icon file, and text formatting style (such as font color, bold) to the new file with docx or rtf format.
- Fixed the issue where footer is not visible in the Word document—created using Word for Winforms—when it is saved in docx format.
- Provided table cell padding support for Open XML format (docx).
- Improved support of Word/RTF borders.
Other Changes
- Added a new component C1PdfDocumentSource, which enables opening a PDF document. (Beta)